Complete Product List
Maximize Your Crop’s Potential
Solutions to Improve Your Total Farm Profitability
Our nature-based biotechnology products and expertise provide a different approach to agronomic practices. We enhance what you’re already doing: providing a boost to the effectiveness of your inputs, such as insecticides, fertilizers and fungicides.

Essential® Prime Corn PAK
Essential® Prime Corn PAK is a dry microbial consortia of both Plant Health and Fungicidal strains of Bacillus designed specifically for the BioCapsule system. Powered by Prime, a one-of-a-kind spore priming breakthrough, Essential Prime provides Faster Acting – Longer Lasting performance for crop establishment and development.
- One of a kind performance breakthrough
- Biocontrol & biofertility in one application
- Enhanced nutrient availability & uptake
- Improved root vigor & plant growth

Essential® Prime Soy PAK
Essential® Prime Soy PAK is a novel Biofertilizer and BioFungicide containing 12 different microbes, each designed for a specific function to get your Corn crop off to the most rigorous and healthy start as possible
- Early season vigor and uniform plant establishment over diverse regions & climates
- Enhanced nutrient efficiency and more yield stability in stress conditions
- Drives maximum root growth and plant biomass in high yield conditions
- Contains two fungicides for for added pythium and phytophthora control

TerraTrove™ Envelix™ Prime
TerraTrove™ Envelix™ Prime is a dry patented microbial nutrient enhancer designed to uniformly cover bulk dry fertilizer. Envelix Prime works faster to make your fertilizer more available.
- Faster acting-longer lasting
- Improved ROI on fertilizer investment
- Improved flowability & less bridging
- Enhanced nutrient availability & uptake

TerraTrove™ SP-1 Classic™
TerraTrove™ SP-1 Classic™ is a diverse mix of microbes known to build soil biology. The SP-1 Classic™ formula supplies the soil with a proprietary blend of beneficial microbials to support a balanced and healthy soil environment.
The microbes in SP-1 prefer aerobic conditions and thrive in the upper portion of the soil near the plant roots.
- Improves germination, water use and fertilizer efficiency
- Can be applied as foliar spray or ground soil application
Application Crops:
Row and field crops, commodity crops, and specialty fruits and vegetables. See complete product label for complete list and more information.

TerraTrove™ Residuce® Complete
Residuce® Complete is a diverse blend of naturally-occurring, nutrient-cycling microorganisms plus a food source. These organisms were specially chosen to help break down plant residue such as crop stubble, leaves, and composts. Residuce® Complete contains soil-conditioning folic acid to improve root vigor.
Application Crops:
All row and field crops, commodity crops, and specialty fruits and vegetables. See complete product label for complete list and more information.

TerraTrove™ Residuce® WS
Residuce® WS is a diverse blend of naturally-occurring, nutrient-cycling microorganisms plus a food source. These organisms were specially chosen to help break down plant residue such as crop stubble, leaves, and composts. Residuce® WS contains soil-conditioning folic acid to improve root vigor.
Application Crops:
All row and field crops, commodity crops, and specialty fruits and vegetables. See complete product label for complete list and more information.

TerraTrove™ MT-17
TerraTrove™ MT-17 is formulated to be used in conjunction with bulk organic inputs such as manure, compost, and green manures. Its use maximizes the benefits from applying these materials.
- Hastens breakdown of crop residues, composts, and manures
- Improves soil conditions for better plant establishment, and greater root mass
- Optimizes soil conditions to increase crop tolerance to abiotic stress
Application Crops:
All row and field crops, commodity crops, and specialty fruits and vegetables. See complete product label for complete list and more information.

TerraTrove™ Myco Seed Treat®
TerraTrove™ Myco Seed Treat® (MST) is a dry blend of bacteria and fungi that support the soil microbiology, the under-cover crop, during establishment. As a seed treatment, MST contains 7 different species of microorganisms. MST provides a beneficial zone of microbes surrounding the seed which form a symbiotic relationship with the plant’s roots. The amount of water and nutrients available to the plant increases with the use of Myco Seed Treat. An active rhizosphere including beneficial fungi act as root extensions providing access to more soil. These fungi act on and degrade organic materials and water insoluble compounds and store found nutrients in their hyphae and mycelia which reduces leaching. The fungi bind soil particles together and form stable aggregates therefore increasing water infiltration. This process actually increases water holding capacity by improving tilth and sequestering carbon.
Application Crops:
All row and field crops, commodity crops, and specialty fruits and vegetables. See complete product label for complete list and more information.

BellaTrove® Companion® Maxx ST
BellaTrove® Companion® Maxx ST is a 100% water-dispersible, broad-spectrum biological fungicide seed treatment with multiple modes of action. This disease management tool contains our proprietary active ingredient Bacillus amyloliquefaciens strain ENV503- a plant growth promoting rhizobacterium that quickly establishes beneficial colonies on the plant’s roots and leaves.
- Compatibility with many chemical pesticides & plant nutrition products
- Highly concentraed A.I. formula
- Flexible application: Seed Treated (Slurry), Planter Box, Hopper Box
- Non-toxic to humans, livestock, and wildlife
Application Crops:
All row and field crops, commodity crops, and specialty fruits and vegetables. See complete product label for complete list and more information.

BellaTrove® Companion® Maxx WP
Companion® Maxx WP is a broad spectrum biological fungicide and bactericide for the prevention, control or suppression of many soilborne and foliar diseases on the labeled agricultural crops. Apply as a foliar spray or as a soil drench alone or in an alternating spray program with other EPA-registered crop protection products.
- Can Be Used for Foliar and Soil Applications in the Field, in Nurseries, in Greenhouses, or in Shadehouses
- Can Be Used for Organic Production
- For Prevention, Control or Suppression of Soil and Foliar Diseases
- Activates ISR (Induced Systemic Resistance) in Plants
Application Crops:
All row and field crops, commodity crops, and specialty fruits and vegetables. See complete product label for complete list and more information.

BellaTrove® ChitoNoX
Seed treatment containing the active ingredient Fungal Chitosan, offering 3 modes of action to protect against soil-borne disease as well as free-living nematodes while stimulating root and plant growth
- One-of-a-kind Pharma grade Fungal chitosan that delivers more consistent performance compared to crustacean based chitosan. Non allergenic.
- Broad activity against both nematodes and seed/seedling diseases.
- Three Modes of Action against Soil-Borne Disease
- Better Together – Complimentary when paired with Companion Maxx ST and or synthetic seed treatments.
- 100% reproducible from batch to batch
- Fungal chitosan has a strong positive charge which pulls in nutrients for uptake
- Suppression of Free-Living Nematodes
- Protection Against Soil-Borne Diseases
- Enhanced Nutrient Uptake
- Stimulates Plant Growth & Development

BellaTrove® VeraNoX
EPA registered biological insecticide seed treatment for soybeans that targets Seedcorn maggots and other secondary pests in planter box, dry seed finisher or upstream treated seed applications.
- EPA Registered Insecticide initially targeting soybeans with development plans ongoing in several other crops.
- Active on major seedling pests that impact stand including Seedcorn Maggot and other secondary pests
- Impacts multiple life stages including eggs, larvae and adults
- Better Together: Pairs well with crop protection products and traits for below ground pest management
- Largely focused on acres treated with planter box, dry seed finisher or upstream treated seed applications.
- Protection against Insect Damage to Seed & Seedlings
- Mitigate Risk of Replant
- Complete On-Farm Seed Treatment Optionality when paired with Companion Maxx ST & NOX products

BellaTrove® NataNoX
EPA Registered Biological Seed Treatment containing the active ingredient Natamycin. Natamycin works to prevent soilborne fungal diseases such as Fusarium (causal agent for SDS) and Rhizoctonia.
- Active Ingredient: Natamycin – Novel BioFungicide Seed Treatment
- Natamycin provides robust protection against SDS without limitations
- Prevention of soilborne fungal diseases
- Better Together – Synergistic effect with Companion Maxx ST as well as inoculants and synthetic seed treatments
- Excellent Seed Safety profile
- No phytotoxicity or impact on germination at the highest labeled rate
- Protection against Soil-Borne Fungal Diseases
- Prevention of SDS
- Better Together: Ideal Partner with Companion Maxx ST, NOX Products or Chemistry
- Improved Plant Vigor
Systemic Fungicides

BellaTrove UltraPhite® Systemic Fungicide
Systemic fungicide for effective control of various plant diseases including black spot and scab in apples; root rot in avocados; bud rot and nut fall in coconuts; root rot in citrus and cucurbits; downy mildew in cucurbits, grapes, lettuce and onions; anthracnose in mango (suppression); root and heart rot in pineapples; late blight (suppression) in potatoes; root and collar rot in stone fruit; leather rot and Phytophthora spp. in strawberries; late blight in tomatoes; downy mildew, Phytophthora and Pythium spp. in ornamentals and bedding plants; root rot and pine pitch canker in conifers; damping off in turf; and sudden oak death in shade trees and ornamentals.
Application Crops:
All row and field crops, commodity crops, and specialty fruits and vegetables. See complete product label for complete list and more information.

Starter Plus Bloomtastic
Starter Plus Bloomtastic is a high phosphorus solution, ideal for newly seeded areas. Starter Plus Bloomtastic provides a continuous source of quickly available nitrogen to promote top growth with limited thatch formation. Both the P and K are readily available to help good root growth. Starter Plus Bloomtastic is ideal for foliar spray applications, hydroseeding and as a soil drench. It is non-clogging and non-abrasive to equipment. It is compatible with fungicides, herbicides, and insecticides and can be mixed and sprayed in one application.
- Provides flexibility with foliar spray and soil-drench application
- Nonclogging and nonabrasive to equipment
- Tank-mix compatible with fungicides, herbicides and insecticides
Application Crops:
All row and field crops, commodity crops, and specialty fruits and vegetables. See complete product label for complete list and more information.

PractiCal is formulated to flocculate, aggregate, and loosen the surface of tight soils when broadcast applied at higher labeled rates. Best results occur if this product is watered in soon after application.
- Soluble calcium with humic acid
- Improves soil quality
Application Crops:
All row and field crops, commodity crops, and specialty fruits and vegetables. See complete product label for complete list and more information.

Bio Humus
Bio Humus is an alkaline-extracted humic acid product made from Leonardite.
- Useful in sandy soils, high clay soils, and soils low in organic matter
- Buffers high-salt fertilizers and irrigation water
Application Crops:
All row and field crops, commodity crops, and specialty fruits and vegetables. See complete product label for complete list and more information.

Pillar 15
Pillar™ 15 is formulated to be soil applied, foliar applied, or fertigated.
- Specially formulated to benefit crops with a quick start
- Excellent foliar fertilizer for balanced mineral nutrition
- Complexed with lignosulfonate
Application Crops:
All row and field crops, commodity crops, and specialty fruits and vegetables. See complete product label for complete list and more information.

MicroTech CT
MicroTech CT is a special formulation of essential micronutrients and nitrogen that can be used on citrus crops, peaches, pecans, cotton, small fruit, and vegetable crops. MicroTech CT contains 4% nitrogen so it does not need to be mixed with other nitrogen products.
Apply MicroTech CT to correct nutrient deficiencies as a foliar spray by ground, air or fertigation systems or ground soil application by banded application or through drip irrigation. It is recommended that a small crop area be sprayed before applying to the entire crop.
- Contains 4% nitrogen to aid in absorption
- Does not need to be mixed with other nitrogen products
- Can be applied either by foliar spray with ground, air and fertigation systems or by ground soil application with banded or drip irrigation

Iron L is a complexed lignosulfonate iron product which can be used on any crop where added soluble Iron is needed or where there is a Iron deficiency. Iron L can be used as a foliar or a soil applied nutrient.
- Suitable for soil or foliar application
- Complexed for better handling and performance
Application Crops:
All row and field crops, commodity crops, and specialty fruits and vegetables. See complete product label for complete list and more information.

Manganese L is a complexed lignosulfonate which can be used on any crop where added soluble Manganese is needed or where there is a Manganese deficiency. Manganese L can be used as a foliar or a soil applied nutrient.
- Economical source of complexed Manganese
- Suitable for soil or foliar application
- Optimal compatibility with other products
Application Crops:
All row and field crops, commodity crops, and specialty fruits and vegetables. See complete product label for complete list and more information.
Soil Amendment

pH Reducer
100% Organic Citric Acid Solution
Lower pH the natural way. pH Reducer is a proven food-grade citric acid to neutralize or acidify soil.
- No mixing or agitation and will not settle out of solution
- Ideal for any type of fertigation systems for application ease
- Compatible with other technical chemicals, including fungicides and insecticides
Application Crops:
All row and field crops, commodity crops, and specialty fruits and vegetables.